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Renat Kornilov
Renat Kornilov

Seven Worlds, One Planet

Seven Worlds, One Planet is a documentary series from the BBC Natural History Unit. The seven-part series, in which each episode focuses on one continent, debuted on 27 October 2019 and is narrated and presented by naturalist Sir David Attenborough.[1][2][3] Over 1,500 people worked on the series, which was filmed over 1,794 days, with 92 shoots across 41 countries.[4]

Seven Worlds, One Planet


"200 million years ago, our planet looked very different from what it does today. It was entirely covered by sea, which surrounded one single supercontinent we call Pangaea. And then, Pangaea began to break up. Life was cast adrift on fragments of land, and these fragments eventually became our seven continents. We will see how life developed on each continent, giving rise to the extraordinary and wonderful diversity that we see today."

Parents need to know that Seven Worlds, One Planet is a wildlife documentary show that dedicates a full episode to each of the seven continents of the world (including Antarctica!). The show features many exotic -- often newly-discovered -- animals, some of which can be strange looking, and even scary. A lot of the focus is on how difficult it can be to survive in various types of climate and terrain, so the mini-stories they tell can be suspenseful and sometimes result in predators killing the animals that we've been following.

SEVEN WORLDS, ONE PLANET spends each episode exploring the outer reaches of one of the seven continents -- North and South America; Europe; Asia; Africa; Australia; and Antarctica -- and unearthing the day-to-day lives of the wildlife that lives there. Special attention is given to how unfamiliar creatures survive and care for their offspring in difficult terrain.

Vydejte se spolu s Davidem Attenboroughem za poznáním odlišností sedmi kontinentů... Před několika milióny let promluvily nepředstavitelné síly do podoby našeho světa. Rozervaly zemskou kůru na kusy nebo spíš na sedm kusů, a stvořily světové kontinenty. Každý má vlastní specifické klima, terén a každý obývají jedinečná zvířata. Přírodovědný seriál Sedm světů, jedna planeta z produkce televize BBC představuje skutečnou tvář každého kontinentu od pestrobarevného ráje Jižní Ameriky po spalující žár Afriky. Zároveň odhaluje, jakým způsobem rozdílné podmínky panující v Evropě, Austrálii, Asii nebo třeba na Antarktidě ovlivnily místní obyvatele. Nechte se překvapit nečekanými příběhy. Žasněte nad ikonickou krajinou. A obdivujte úžasná divoká zvířata. Sedm světů, jedna planeta je fantastická cesta kolem světa, o kterém jste si mysleli, že ho dobře znáte.Zdroj: TV Prima

Vydejte se spolu s Davidem Attenboroughem za poznáním odlišností sedmi kontinentů... Před několika milióny let promluvily nepředstavitelné síly do podoby našeho světa. Rozervaly zemskou kůru na kusy nebo spíš na sedm kusů, a stvořily světové kontinenty. Každý má vlastní specifické klima, terén a každý obývají jedinečná zvířata. Přírodovědný seriál Sedm světů, jedna planeta z produkce televize BBC představuje skutečnou tvář každého kontinentu od pestrobarevného ráje Jižní Ameriky po spalující žár Afriky. Zároveň odhaluje, jakým způsobem rozdílné podmínky panující v Evropě, Austrálii, Asii nebo třeba na Antarktidě ovlivnily místní obyvatele. Nechte se překvapit nečekanými příběhy. Žasněte nad ikonickou krajinou. A obdivujte úžasná divoká zvířata. Sedm světů, jedna planeta je fantastická cesta kolem světa, o kterém jste si mysleli, že ho dobře znáte.

The natural history landmark series Seven Worlds, One Planet, explores a different continent in each episode to uncover the fundamental truth about what makes each one of our seven worlds so unique. Revealing how each of the continents has shaped the extraordinary biodiversity we see today, the series will also show how that precious diversity is being lost. Remarkable, new animal behaviour will feature in all of the continents including the baking plains of Africa and the frozen waters off Antarctica. In Asia, the biggest of all continents, the series will showcase life at the extremes, whilst in Europe it will reveal surprising wildlife dramas hidden right alongside us.

Visitors will take a majestic 360-degree audio visual journey as they marvel and explore iconic landscapes and connect with mesmerising animals on this epic adventure bringing environments to life. From fireflies putting on a spectacular light show in North America, to snub nosed monkeys huddling together to stay warm in Asia, and hungry hamsters fighting to keep their food in Europe, visitors will get to experience our seven continents in all their glory, like never before.

Throughout the course of the episode, the camera crew gets up close to give viewers incredibly unique viewing experiences of some of the most elusive creatures on the planet. This includes footage of baby dingoes, a spider mating dance and even kangaroos in the snow.

When this landmark series, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, was first broadcast in the UK, it took viewers on an epic journey that not only celebrated the diversity of life on each of the seven continents, but also highlighted the many challenges faced by nature in a modern world dominated by humanity.

After the triumphs of Planet Earth II and Blue Planet II comes this documentary, once again narrated by David Attenborough and featuring the usual BBC technical wizardry. The seven worlds in question are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. The scope is as far-reaching as its predecessors and the message is more important than ever, with such things as deforestation and climate change showing no signs of letting up, to the detriment of every living thing, but especially the poor animals.

Millions of years ago incredible forces ripped apart the Earth's crust creating our seven continents - each with its own distinct climate, its own distinct terrain and its own unique animal life. From the colourful paradise of South America to the scorching heat of Africa, Seven Worlds: One Planet showcases the true character of each continent in turn and reveals just how it has shaped all life there. Be surprised by unexpected stories. Marvel at iconic landscapes. And be awestruck by spectacular wildlife. Seven Worlds: One Planet is an eye-opening journey around a world you thought you knew. 041b061a72


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