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Renat Kornilov

Programming in Objective-C 5th Edition PDF: The Ultimate Book for Objective-C Beginners and Experts

Programming in Objective-C 5th PDF Download

If you are interested in learning how to program in Objective-C, one of the most powerful and popular programming languages for developing applications for macOS and iOS, you might be looking for a good book that can teach you the basics and beyond. In this article, we will introduce you to one of the best books on this topic, Programming in Objective-C 5th edition by Stephen G. Kochan, and show you how you can download it as a PDF file for free.

Programming In Objective-c 5th Pdf Download

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What is Objective-C?

Objective-C is a high-level general-purpose object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. It was originally developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love in the early 1980s, and later adopted by NeXT for its NeXTSTEP operating system. Apple acquired NeXT in 1996, and since then, Objective-C has been the standard programming language for developing applications for macOS and iOS platforms.

Objective-C inherits the syntax, primitive types, and flow control statements of C, and adds syntax for defining classes, methods, properties, protocols, categories, blocks, and more. It also provides a dynamic runtime that supports dynamic typing, dynamic binding, dynamic loading, reflection, introspection, exception handling, memory management, and other features. Objective-C is compatible with C and C++, meaning that you can use C or C++ code within an Objective-C program.

Why learn Objective-C?

There are many reasons why you might want to learn Objective-C. Here are some of them:

  • It's powerful. Objective-C gives you access to a rich set of frameworks and libraries that enable you to create complex and sophisticated applications with ease. Some of these frameworks include Cocoa (for macOS), Cocoa Touch (for iOS), Foundation (for basic data types and utilities), UIKit (for user interface components), Core Data (for data persistence), Core Animation (for graphics rendering), Core Location (for geolocation services), Core ML (for machine learning), ARKit (for augmented reality), SceneKit (for 3D graphics), SpriteKit (for 2D games), and many more.

  • It's popular. Objective-C is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, especially for developing applications for Apple devices. According to the TIOBE index, Objective-C ranks as the 11th most popular programming language as of June 2021. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, Objective-C ranks as the 19th most loved programming language and the 14th most wanted programming language among developers.

  • It's lucrative. Objective-C developers are in high demand and can earn a good income. According to Indeed, the average salary for an Objective-C developer in the United States is $108,763 per year as of June 2021. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an Objective-C developer in the United Kingdom is 47,500 per year as of June 2021.

  • It's fun. Objective-C is a fun and expressive language that allows you to create amazing applications that can delight and impress your users. You can use Objective-C to create games, animations, simulations, utilities, social media apps, productivity apps, educational apps, entertainment apps, and more.

How to get started with Objective-C?

If you are ready to start learning Objective-C, you will need some prerequisites and tools to set up your development environment. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Installing Xcode

Xcode is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Objective-C. It provides you with a code editor, a compiler, a debugger, a simulator, a documentation browser, a testing framework, a source control manager, and other tools that make your development process easier and faster. Xcode is available for free from the Mac App Store or from the Apple Developer website.

To install Xcode, you will need a Mac computer running macOS 10.15.4 or later. You will also need an Apple ID to sign in to the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer website. Once you have these requirements, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the Mac App Store or go to

  • Search for Xcode or click on the Xcode icon.

  • Click on the Get button or the Download button.

  • Wait for Xcode to download and install on your Mac.

  • Launch Xcode from your Applications folder or from your Launchpad.

Creating a simple Objective-C project

To create your first Objective-C project in Xcode, you can follow these steps:

  • In Xcode, go to File > New > Project or press Command + Shift + N.

  • Select macOS > Command Line Tool and click Next.

  • Enter a name for your project (e.g., HelloObjectiveC) and choose Objective-C as the language. You can leave the other options as default or change them as you wish.

  • Select a location for your project and click Create.

  • Xcode will create a new project with a main.m file that contains some boilerplate code. This file is where you will write your Objective-C code.

Exploring the Objective-C syntax

To write your first Objective-C program, you will need to learn some basic syntax rules and conventions. Here are some of them:

  • Objective-C code consists of statements that end with a semicolon (;).

  • Objective-C code can include comments that start with // (for single-line comments) or /* and */ (for multi-line comments). Comments are ignored by the compiler and are used to explain or document your code.

  • Objective-C code can use preprocessor directives that start with # (e.g., #import, #define, #ifdef). Preprocessor directives are instructions for the compiler that are executed before compiling your code.

  • Objective-C code can use variables to store values of different data types (e.g., int, float, char, NSString). Variables must be declared before they can be used, and they must have a name and a type. Variables can be assigned values using the = operator.

  • Objective-C code can use operators to perform arithmetic (+, -, *, /), comparison (==, !=, ), logical (&&, , !), bitwise (&, , ^), and other operations on values or variables. Operators have different precedence and associativity rules that determine how they are evaluated in an expression.

on conditions (e.g., if, else, switch, case).

  • Objective-C code can use functions to group statements that perform a specific task. Functions must have a name, a return type, and a list of parameters. Functions can be defined using the syntax: return_type function_name(parameter_list) statements; . Functions can be called using the syntax: function_name(argument_list);.

  • Objective-C code can use classes to define new data types that encapsulate data and behavior. Classes must have a name and can have instance variables, properties, methods, and initializers. Classes can be defined using the syntax: @interface ClassName : SuperClassName instance variables; properties; methods; @end. Classes can be implemented using the syntax: @implementation ClassName instance variables; methods; @end.

  • Objective-C code can use objects to create instances of classes that can store data and execute methods. Objects can be created using the syntax: ClassName *objectName = [[ClassName alloc] init]; or ClassName *objectName = [ClassName new];. Objects can be sent messages using the syntax: [objectName methodName:argument];.

To demonstrate some of these syntax elements, let's write a simple program that prints "Hello, Objective-C!" to the console. You can replace the boilerplate code in your main.m file with the following code:


int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) @autoreleasepool // Declare a string variable NSString *message = @"Hello, Objective-C!"; // Print the message to the console NSLog(@"%@", message); return 0;

To run your program, you can go to Product > Run or press Command + R. You should see the output in the console window at the bottom of Xcode.

How to master Objective-C?

Now that you have learned some basic concepts and syntax of Objective-C, you might be wondering how to master this language and become a proficient developer. There is no single or easy answer to this question, but there are some general tips and resources that can help you along your journey. Here are some of them:

Reading the official documentation

One of the best ways to learn more about Objective-C and its features is to read the official documentation provided by Apple. The documentation contains comprehensive and up-to-date information on the language syntax, semantics, conventions, best practices, frameworks, libraries, tools, and more. You can access the documentation from within Xcode by going to Help > Developer Documentation or by pressing Shift + Command + 0. You can also access it online from

Following online tutorials and courses

Another way to learn more about Objective-C and its applications is to follow online tutorials and courses that teach you how to create various projects using this language. There are many online sources that offer free or paid tutorials and courses for beginners and advanced learners alike. Some of these sources include:

  • Ray Wenderlich: A website that offers high-quality tutorials, books, videos, podcasts, and courses on various topics related to iOS development, including Objective-C.

  • Udemy: An online learning platform that offers thousands of courses on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

  • Lynda: An online learning platform that offers hundreds of courses on various topics related to software development, including Objective-C.

  • Hacking with Swift: A website that offers tutorials, books, videos, newsletters, and courses on various topics related to Swift development, including Objective-C.

  • Tutorials Point: A website that offers free tutorials on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

Practicing with exercises and projects

The best way to learn and improve your Objective-C skills is to practice with exercises and projects that challenge you to apply your knowledge and solve problems. There are many online platforms that offer exercises and projects for different levels of difficulty and domains. Some of these platforms include:

  • HackerRank: A website that offers coding challenges and contests on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

  • CodeWars: A website that offers coding challenges and katas on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

  • Codecademy: A website that offers interactive lessons and projects on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

  • Edabit: A website that offers bite-sized coding challenges on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

  • Exercism: A website that offers coding exercises and mentorship on various topics related to programming, including Objective-C.

How to download the Programming in Objective-C 5th PDF?

One of the most recommended books for learning Objective-C is Programming in Objective-C 5th edition by Stephen G. Kochan. This book covers the fundamentals and advanced topics of Objective-C in a clear and comprehensive manner, with plenty of examples and exercises. It also introduces you to the Cocoa framework and the Xcode development environment, and shows you how to create several applications for macOS and iOS using Objective-C.

If you want to download this book as a PDF file for free, you will need to follow these steps:

Why read this book?

There are many reasons why you might want to read this book. Here are some of them:

  • It's comprehensive. This book covers everything you need to know about Objective-C, from the basics to the advanced features. It also covers the Cocoa framework and the Xcode development environment, which are essential for developing applications for macOS and iOS.

  • It's clear. This book explains the concepts and syntax of Objective-C in a simple and straightforward way, with plenty of examples and diagrams. It also provides tips and tricks for writing better code and avoiding common errors.

  • It's practical. This book provides many exercises and projects that help you practice your skills and apply your knowledge. It also shows you how to create several applications for macOS and iOS using Objective-C, such as a calculator, a currency converter, a temperature converter, a fraction calculator, an address book, a music collection manager, a Twitter client, a Flickr browser, and more.

  • It's updated. This book reflects the latest changes and improvements in Objective-C, such as ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), literals, subscripting, class extensions, blocks, protocols, categories, properties, enumerations, typedefs, generics, nullability annotations, and more.

Where to find this book?

This book is available for purchase or download from various online platforms. Some of these platforms include:

  • InformIT: The official website of the publisher of this book. You can buy the print or ebook version of this book from here.

  • Amazon: The largest online retailer in the world. You can buy the print or Kindle version of this book from here.

  • Safari Books Online: An online learning platform that offers unlimited access to thousands of books and videos on various topics related to technology. You can read or watch this book online from here if you have a subscription.

  • Z-Library: The world's largest ebook library. You can download the PDF version of this book from here for free.

How to download this book?

a PDF file for free from Z-Library, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Click on the Download button.

  • Wait for the download to start or click on the link that says "If your download does not start automatically, please click here".

  • Save the PDF file to your computer or device.

  • Open the PDF file with a PDF reader of your choice.

Before you download this book, you should be aware of some potential risks and issues. First, you should check the legality and ethics of downloading this book for free, as it may violate the copyright and intellectual property rights of the author and publisher. Second, you should check the quality and accuracy of the PDF file, as it may contain errors, omissions, or malware. Third, you should respect the work and effort of the author and publisher, and consider buying the book if you find it useful and valuable.


In this article, we have introduced you to Objective-C, one of the most powerful and popular programming languages for developing applications for macOS and iOS. We have also shown you how to download one of the best books on this topic, Programming in Objective-C 5th edition by Stephen G. Kochan, as a PDF file for free.

We hope that this article has inspired you to learn more about Objective-C and its applications. Objective-C is a fun and expressive language that allows you to create amazing applications that can delight and impress your users. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced programmer, there is always something new and exciting to learn and discover in Objective-C.

If you are ready to start your journey with Objective-C, we suggest that you follow these steps:

  • Install Xcode on your Mac computer.

  • Create a simple Objective-C project and run it in Xcode.

  • Explore the Objective-C syntax and features.

  • Read the official documentation for Objective-C.

  • Follow online tutorials and courses for Objective-C.

  • Practice with exercises and projects for Objective-C.

  • Download the Programming in Objective-C 5th PDF.

  • Read the book and learn from it.

We wish you all the best in your Objective-C adventure. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about Objective-C and Programming in Objective-C 5th PDF:

  • What is the difference between Objective-C and Swift?

Swift is a newer programming language that was introduced by Apple in 2014 as an alternative to Objective-C. Swift is designed to be faster, safer, easier, and more expressive than Objective-C. Swift also has some features that Objective-C does not have, such as optionals, tuples, enums with associated values, closures, generics, protocols with extensions, and more. However, Objective-C still has some advantages over Swift, such as compatibility with C and C++, dynamic runtime, mature frameworks and libraries, and more. Both languages can be used together in the same project, as they are interoperable with each other.

  • Is Objective-C still relevant in 2021?

Yes, Objective-C is still relevant in 2021. Although Swift has become more popular and preferred by many developers and companies for developing applications for macOS and iOS, Objective-C is still widely used and supported by Apple and other platforms. Objective-C is still the primary language for many existing applications and frameworks that have not been migrated or rewritten in Swift yet. Objective-C is also still a valuable skill to have for any developer who wants to work with Apple technologies or legacy codebases.

  • How long does it take to learn Objective-C?

The answer to this question depends on many factors, such as your previous programming experience, your learning style, your goals, your resources, your motivation, your time availability, and more. However, a general estimate is that it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to learn the basics of Objective-C. To master Objective-C and become a proficient developer, it can take much longer, depending on how much you practice and apply your skills.

  • Where can I find more books on Objective-C?

There are many books on Objective-C that you can find online or in bookstores. Some of the most popular and recommended bo


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